Kristen Stewart in T Magazine

Kristen Stewart is featured on the cover of The New York Times' T Magazine, and talks about a lot of things that has happened in her life, and more.

Now 26, Stewart is sitting on her couch, dressed for the skate park in tight blue jeans, a loose white T-shirt and a black cap, worn backward. Cole (along with Bernie and Bear) sleeps at her feet. She lights a cigarette, her hands uncharacteristically steady. Everything about her, in fact — the easy eye contact, casual laughter and willingness to discuss the past — is a striking departure from the often frankly miserable face presented to the world just a few years ago.

She talks about her work.

During production, Stewart worked 18-hour days, six days a week, and when she wasn’t filming she was promoting her partnership with Chanel. “As a younger person, I would have lost steam: ‘I’m tired. I don’t feel good. I’m sick.’ Instead I tried to make myself more sick, more tired, just to see if there ever was a breaking point, and there wasn’t.”

The part that seems to has gotten a lot of coverage is the part where she talks a bout her relationship (and our OTP) with Robert Pattinson (Edward x Bella forever!).

“People wanted me and Rob to be together so badly that our relationship was made into a product. It wasn’t real life anymore. And that was gross to me. It’s not that I want to hide who I am or hide anything I’m doing in my life. It’s that I don’t want to become a part of a story for entertainment value.” 

She also talks about her current love, Alicia. (awwwww...)

“Look how cute she is,” Stewart says at one point. “I love her so much.”

Read the full article here, and check out some photos as well. They're worth checking out, trust me. She looks so fab. Our girl has certainly grown up.

via EW, NYT


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