More Twilight After 'Breaking Dawn'

Now that Lionsgate has acquired Summit, they inherit the entire Twilight Saga franchise. According to the CEO of Lionsgate, there might be a sixth Twilight film after Breaking Dawn - Part 2!

There’s a chance The Twilight Saga could continue after the fifth film opens in November. The bombshell was reportedly dropped by Jon Feltheimer, the chief executive officer of Lionsgate Entertainment, which acquired Twilight studio Summit Entertainment for $412.5 million on Friday. “I’m anticipating Breaking Dawn – Part 2 being $700 million-plus in worldwide box office,” said Feltheimer of the final (planned) installment in the hit vampire franchise. According to the Los Angeles Times, when asked whether Lionsgate could envision more Twilight past next fall’s fifth film, Feltheimer left the door open. “It’s hard for me to imagine a movie that does $700 million-plus doesn’t have ongoing value,” he said. “It’s an amazing franchise that they have done a great job of maintaining with absolutely no deterioration.” He added, “So the simple answer is, ‘Boy, I hope so.’” It’s not clear whether a potential continuation would involve future films or a television series.


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