MSN Year in Review 2008: Regrettable Trends

MSN posted up a slideshow on Regrettable Trends in Pop Culture under their Review of 2008 article. twilight is in the list.

Totally disagree with this one (hardly anyone regrets twilight!), thought the reason why twilight is on their list is... interesting.

"In the weeks before the movie came out, fans of the book series stormed suburban malls to see the Boy Who Would Play Edward. Injuries happened -- including some self-inflicted neck wounds because, apparently, not all fans are aware that Edward is just a pretend vampire/perfect boyfriend/accomplished Volvo driver.

The backlash may have already begun, though. It started with the fourth book in the series, which featured some bruising love scenes and a medical procedure that will forever be referred to as "The Edwardian Section." And it was sealed with the release of the movie. Even though fans mostly loved it, they also snickered at the rather over-the-top dialogue.

"You better hold on tight, spider monkey!" is this year's "Nobody puts Baby in a corner."

But what we were really expecting when we fell in love with a guy whose skin ... glittered?"

Source: MSN


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