Limited-Edition 'Team Edward' and 'Team Jacob' Tees

Hey everyone!!

Remember these T-shirts I made for you guys? Well, there are extras left in my stock, and I'm selling them off. For some, I never got a reply of confirmation for pre-orders, so they stay uncollected. If you ordered from me, but never got your tee, then let me know.

All details after the jump!

Team Jacob, Back

Team Edward, Back

Team Jacob t-shirt

Sizes: L (quantity: 3); XL (quantity: 1)

Price: RM30 [inclusive of shipping]

(poster not included)

Team Edward t-shirt

Sizes: XS (quantity: 1); S (quantity: 1)

Price: RM30 [inclusive of shipping]

(poster not included)

Email me at: OR


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