Breaking Dawn Location Update: Isle Esme

Foforks, a Brazilian Twilight site, profiled the location that has been chosen as Isle Esme.

We have dozens of excellent pictures from all angles, places and flavors of the wonderful house that would be used as set on Esme Island, during the shooting of ‘Breaking Dawn’ in Rio, in addition to some other information about the possible location:

Located at a paradisiacal region, the house designed by Thiago Bernardes has a complete infrastructure, with confort and privacy, in 220 meters of private beach. Besides, it has exclusive access by boat or helicopter. The accommodation has 2 suites with King Size beds, 2 suites with twin beds and independent rooms. There are 720 meters of decks and balcony with panoramic view and a complete kitchen. The house can be rented for holidays, with its daily rate ranging from 8 to 15 thousand reais ( 5.000 to 9.000 us dollars) , depending of the period of the year. You can check the house’s website at

Twilight Lexicon added:

As has been previously reported, the location is reachable only by boat. The cast is taking a helicopter from Rio to a location nearby the island and then a boat from there. The location is completely secure. The public will not be allowed on site to observe from a distance. All crew members have signed strict confidentiality agreements with serious monetary and possible criminal penalties if footage is released.

Hmm... it looks bigger, and far different of what I had in mind. Well, we would just have to wait for the movie to see the complete scene, wouldn't we.


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