Parade Magazine interviews Rob, Kristen, and Taylor

Parade Magazine interviewed Rob, Taylor, and Kristen for an upcoming issue. They discuss mostly about Eclipse.

Kristen Stewart told's Jeanne Wolf that, just like her character, she's grown a lot since Twilight first became a cultural phenomenon. But some things haven't changed.  

Honesty is the best policy, no matter what. 
"I've always said that I'm not ashamed of anything that I say because I'm always being honest, even though you can definitely make mistakes. That's Bella in a nutshell, so I can completely relate to her. I think it's a good thing to be proud of who you are, no matter what. Success is always something completely different for different people. I feel like I've succeeded if I'm doing something that makes me happy and I'm not lying to anybody. That's why I feel really good about myself right now." 

So does her romance with RPattz go beyond the screen? 
"It's hard to actually take details of your personal life and apply them in a scene because as much as you can identify with a feeling, you just get muddled. As soon as you start bringing your own stuff in, it's like, 'No, that's not right.' You're playing a different person. You have to leave that stuff at the door." 

Kissing him onscreen wasn't the problem. 
"One of the most challenging scenes was probably finally kissing Jacob for the first time. Bella has got such tunnel vision that Edward is the only thing for her. That's a strange perspective. So when Taylor Lautner and I kissed, it felt like such a different dynamic. I was nervous as hell." 

Robert Pattinson may not be immortal like sexy vampire Edward Cullen, but he's not going to be forgotten anytime soon. Rabid "Twi-hards" can't wait for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, the latest big-screen installment of Stephenie Meyer's epic story of vampire love.

Let's hear it for virginity.
"Edward is old fashioned. Nowadays, everyone just goes around screwing everyone for no reason. I guess Edward doesn't really want to sort of cheapen his relationship with Bella, even though she's pushing him to go all the way. He's got this certain idea of how it should go with the love of his life. He wants to do it right and not just follow his base instincts. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned in that way as well."

But that didn't stand in the way of a lot of lip-locking.
"Kissing felt a little bit more natural in Eclipse, even if there was plenty of it. In New Moon and Twilight it was always like, 'Oh, I'm gonna kill you if I kiss you' or something. It was always kind of odd. But, in this one, they both understand their situation a lot more, which makes it easier. It's the first time Kristen and I have been able to just act like a normal couple."
So are they a couple off-screen?
"I guess people like stories, that's my basic conclusion. They just want everything in our lives to be like Twilight. The truth is...that I wish I had a few more hours of sleep today so I could think of a better answer. I'm always so exhausted all the time. Lack of sleep is like taking a Valium." 

Taylor Lautner goes shirtless again in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, proving yet again that he has a six-pack to die for. Playing Jacob the hunky werewolf the third time around puts Lautner in the middle of some intense competition with Edward for the love of Bella, finally giving him the opportunity to kiss Kristen Stewart. 

Fight for the one you love. 
"One of the biggest things I admire about Jacob is his persistence. He keeps going and fights for what he believes in. You've got to love a girl quite a bit to fight that much for her. I guess maybe I'd be the same way if I loved somebody the way that Jacob loves Bella. But he's in a tough little love triangle, and I don't envy that." 

What it takes to be romantic in real life. 
"I don't know if I'm the best person to answer that question. One of my favorite movies is The Notebook, so I think I'd consider that a little bit romantic. I've given a flower or two. But I like something simple -- not like going out and doing something extremely extravagant. It's more like just being able to talk to each other. I think, besides the gifts and the flowers, romance comes from just talking with her from your heart." 

The big lip-lock with Bella. 
"Jacob's been waiting for that moment for a while. It wasn't awkward. It was different. Like, Kristen and I would finish and pull away and she'd look at me and there'd be a moment of silence and she'd say, 'Taylor, we just kissed.' And I'd be like, 'Yeah, we did.' That was pretty much it. I found it a lot harder to pretend I hated Rob Pattinson. He and I are good friends, and he's too nice. He needs to roughen up a little bit, so I can actually hate him. We ruined plenty of takes just because we couldn't keep a straight face when we are yelling and screaming at each other." 
Keeping his toned bod in perspective. 
"It's healthy and it sort of becomes addictive. It's addicting to get into the gym and work to get that muscle. And the healthy eating is good too. But, luckily for me, my friends couldn't care less. They tease me and mess with me about the shirtless thing and about my little jean shorts. It's all good because it keeps me from looking in the mirror."


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