10 years after twilight , director Catherine Hardwicke opens up to The Daily Beast on new details on the film, some we've never known before. Ten years ago, the Twilight film franchise was an unknown quantity. In fact, Catherine Hardwicke, the director of the first Twilight, was surrounded by film executives who all but expected the vampire flick to fail. “Nobody thought this is a big, blockbuster franchise,” Hardwicke tells the Daily Beast. “There were very low expectations for Twilight, because every other studio had turned it down. They said, OK, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was a very popular book for girls, and it made $39 million. That’s it. We don’t know if this could ever make us any more than that, so we don’t really want to spend more than that. The expectations were low literally up to opening weekend.” “Why do you think I got the job?” she laughs now. “Why do you think they hired a female director? If they thought it was going to be a big blockbu...
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