10 'New Moon' Scenes That Better Not Be Cut

FEARnet has a list of New Moon scenes which should not be cut out.
Here are a few.
Bella’s Bloody Birthday Party
Stephenie Meyer really knows how to start a story off with a bang, or well, a crash... and pools of blood, and glass shards, and crushed presents... and lot’s of uncontrollable vampy blood lust. It’s a very unhappy birthday with a nice mix of gore and frosting that sets up Bella’s many problems to come. Plus, we get Edward’s back story from Carlisle’s point of view.
Edward Says Goodbye
This doesn’t need much explanation. It’s totally crushing and the pages of our books are now tear-stained. But, this moment might need a rewrite in the movie. Should Bella still be lost in the woods? Maybe she should run after Edward?  Do you think it works as is?
Bella’s Cliff Diving Catastrophe
In the scheme of all the life-threatening things that Bella does in New Moon, this is the one that’s most over-the-top. She’s basically fish food when Jacob finds her and although she doesn’t realize it at the time, she is also vampire bait for the eager Victoria.  Is Kirsten Stewart going to be able to pull this action scene off? How can she not? It sets up tension with Victoria and Jacob.
Bella and Alice’s Race Against Time
Would the Volturi kill Edward? Would Edward kill himself? What does ‘formidable gifts’ really mean? All of these things are in question as Bella and Alice travel to Italy, steal a Porsche, charm the police and almost mow down some tourists in their race to save Edward from his doom. This is by far the most suspenseful moment in the film. And just when it can’t get any worse, Bella has to convince Edward that he isn’t dead, or rather, he’s just - undead. If this is done right, this scene of Bella running through a square filled with people dressed in capes and vampire fangs will not only have you on the edge or your seat, it might actually be...funny.


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