Stephenie Meyer Still Appreciate Twilighters
The apparent quote that Stephenie Meyer is over Twilight has struck a nerve in the Twilight community. She said this in the Variety interview. DM: What about a return to “Twilight?” SM: I get further away every day. I am so over it. For me, it’s not a happy place to be. DM: Is the door completely closed on that? SM: Not completely. What I would probably do is three paragraphs on my blog saying which of the characters died. I’m interested in spending time in other worlds, like Middle-Earth. To clear up any misunderstandings, Stephenie took to her official blog to clear it up. Even those of you who love Twilight the most (in fact, especially those who love it the most) have probably noticed that there's been just a teensy little bit of backlash following the success of the books and films. I try my hardest to be thick-skinned, but I'm not much better at that than I am at brevity. So when I speak of Twilight becoming a negative place for me, it is entirely that...